1. Are you a seller of rolled metal products?
No, we are neither a manufacturer nor a trader. MetalBank is an aggregator of price offers from verified suppliers. Our goal is to give the buyer a quick comparison of current prices, metal availability, delivery and payment terms from different suppliers, so that you can easily find the most attractive offers in the rolled metal market.
2. What is the minimum order size on the site?
We do not have a minimum order size, but most often the weight of an order starts with 1 ton.
3. Are the prices on the site up to date?
Despite the daily fluctuations in prices on the steel market, in most cases the prices on the site are up to date. This is possible because we show offers only from those suppliers who pay special attention to keeping their prices up to date. If a supplier stops updating its prices for some reason, we automatically track this, remove tis offer from the list, and contact the supplier to find out the reason for the price irrelevance.
4. Are the items listed on the website actually in stock?
Similarly to prices, we work only with those suppliers who regularly update their price lists according to the latest stock data.
5. How do you make sure the supplier is reliable?
First, we do not work with resellers, as a matter of principle, but place offers only from manufacturers and large federal/regional metal distributors. Second, we conduct a thorough background check on any new supplier, making sure that its documents are diligent and it will be able to pass any buyer's security department.
6. How to work effectively with the service?
Working with the service is very simple:
Enter the item(s) you want or find it (them) in the catalog
Set up the order filters that best fit your needs, and select the most appropriate offer
Proceed to checkout so that the supplier could contact you to clarify order details, and you could make the payment
Keep track of your order status in My Account until you receive your order